Welcome to Predator & Prey's shipping and returns section. We are dedicated to ensuring that your items reach you in a timely manner and perfect condition.
Shipping costs:
UK - £5.99 (4-8 working days)
Rest of World - £24.99 (2-8 weeks)
You will receive an order confirmation once your order has been successfully processed.
We aim to provide a seamless and enjoyable shopping experience for all our customers. In the unlikely event that you need to return or exchange a product, our straightforward policy is designed to make the process easy and hassle-free. Your satisfaction is our top priority.
We will refund most goods provided they are returned to us within 14 days of receipt complete, unused, in their original packaging and with any security tags intact.
Please email to arrange your return.
If you are returning any goods from Europe or Worldwide, particularly the USA, please note on the package that they are RETURNED GOODS.
We will email you confirmation when we have your return back and a further email once your refund has been processed. The item is your responsibility until it reaches us. The cost of returning the item to us is your responsibility.
If you return something outside of the returns period, we reserve the right to issue a credit note or resend the goods ordered back to the original delivery address.
If you receive a faulty or incorrect item, please contact and we will let you know how to proceed.
Shipped items that are either refused by the customer or cannot be delivered by the carrier, will be returned to us, and the customer will be credited for the product cost and tax, less shipping and handling Customer will be required to place a new order and will be responsible for any associated shipping charges. The customer is responsible for all duties and/or taxes. If you refuse an item and we are charged a duty and/or tax, that duty and/or tax amount will be deducted from your order total before we credit your account.